Chapter 6 Exercise Set 0: Chapter Review

Dictionary Operations

Give the Python interpreter’s response to each of the following from a continuous interpreter session:

  1. >>> d = {'apples': 15, 'bananas': 35, 'grapes': 12}
    >>> d['bananas']
  2. >>> d['oranges'] = 20
    >>> len(d)
  3. >>> 'grapes' in d
  4. >>> 'kiwis' in d
  5. >>> d.get('apples', 0)
  6. >>> d.get('pears', 0)
  7. >>> d2 = {(3, 2): 15, (1, 3): 35, (7, 4): 12, (6, 1): 42, (5, 5): 19}
    >>> d2[(7, 4)]
  8. >>> del d2[(1, 3)]
    >>> len(d2)
  9. >>> d2.get((6, 1), 0)
  10. >>> d2.get((4, 10), 0)

Be sure you understand why you get each result.

Fruit Inventory

Apply what you have learned in the previous exercises to fill in the body of the function below:

def add_fruit(inventory, fruit, quantity=0):
    Adds quantity of fruit to inventory.

       >>> new_inventory = {}
       >>> add_fruit(new_inventory, 'strawberries', 10)
       >>> 'strawberries' in new_inventory
       >>> new_inventory['strawberries']
       >>> add_fruit(new_inventory, 'strawberries', 25)
       >>> new_inventory['strawberries']

Your solution should pass the doctests.

Hello File!

Use Python to create a file named hello_file.txt with text that reads:

Hello, this is [name] here, writing in a text file with Python!

with your name substituted for [name].

List From a File

Write a Python program that opens a file named list.txt containing a list of items, one per line, reads in the data, and turns them into a Python list. For example, if list.txt contains:


Your program should create the python list:

['this', 'that', 'stuff', 'such']

Numbers From a File

Write a Python program that opens a file named numbers.txt containing a list of integers, one per line, reads in the data, and turns them into a Python list. For example, if numbers.txt contains:


Your program should create the python list:

[13, 97, 42, 17, 11]