Web Skills Document Contents

html (Add lang attribute with value en)
meta (Add charset attribute with value utf-8)
titleWeb Development Skills
h1 in headerWeb Development Skills
1st a in nav GDW HTML (with href attribute set to OBP location)
2nd a in nav GDW CSS (with href attriubte set to OBP location)
3rd a in nav GDW SVG (with href attribute set to OBP location)
4th a in nav GDW Unix CLI (with href attribute set to OBP location)
5th a in nav GDW SQLite (with href attribute set to OBP location)
h2 in 1st sectionWeb Skills
1st h3 in 1st sectionHTML
1st li in ol under 1st h3 navigating the operating system and using a text editor
2nd li in ol under 1st h3 making a valid minimal page from memory
3rd li in ol under 1st h3 learning the html elements and their uses
4th li in ol under 1st h3 finding and fixing syntax errors
2nd h3 in 1st sectionCSS
1st li in ol under 2nd h3 learning css syntax and how to include css in an html document
2nd li in ol under 2nd h3 using basic selectors and beginning to build your property toolbox
3rd li in ol under 2nd h3 understanding the element tree using it with advanced selectors
4th li in ol under 2nd h3 finding and fixing syntax errors
h2 in 2nd sectionProgramming Skills
1st h3 in 2nd sectionJavaScript (Client Side)
1st li in ol under 1st h3 Using JavaScript as a language to express computations and processes
2nd li in ol under 1st h3 Creating functions and objects to make use of abstraction
3rd li in ol under 1st h3 Including JavaScript in an HTML document
4th li in ol under 1st h3 Using the jQuery module to control web pages
2nd h3 in 2nd sectionPython (Server Side)
1st li in ol under 2nd h3 Using Python as a language to express computations and processes
2nd li in ol under 2nd h3 Creating functions, objects, and modules to make use of abstraction
3rd li in ol under 2nd h3 Understanding the http protocol and stateless vs statefull programs
4th li in ol under 2nd h3 Using the bottle micro web framework to create web applications
strong in 1st a in footer HTML
1st a in footer Valid! (with href set to http://validator.w3.org/check/referer)
between the two a elements in footer |
strong in 2nd a in footer CSS
2nd a in footer Valid! (with href set to http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer?profile=css3)