Fortune Teller

You can tell someone’s fortune by having them pick a number and then using if statements to print the fortune for the number.

    csp-13-3-1: How many conditions (logical expressions) are checked if the user answered 2?
  • 1
  • It would have to at least check if it was 1 or 2.
  • 2
  • It executes every if, even if it already found the answer.
  • 5
  • It executes every if.
  • 6
  • There are only 5 logical expression here so it can't be more than 5.
    csp-13-3-2: How many conditions (logical expressions) are checked if the user answered 6?
  • 1
  • It has to execute each if in order from top to bottom.
  • 2
  • How would this work?
  • 5
  • It executes every if.
  • 6
  • There are only 5 logical expression here so it can't be more than 5.

Modify the program to handle when the user enters something other than a number from 1 to 5. Also add some additional fortunes and allow the user to pick a number from 1 to 10.

Next Section - Using elif for more options