Summary of Expression TypesΒΆ

Expression Arithmetic meaning
1 + 2 Addition, the result is 3
3 * 4 Multiplication, the result is 12
1 / 3 Integer division, the result is 0 in older Python environments, but 0.333333333333 in Python 3
2.0 / 4.0 Division, the result is 0.5, since you are using decimal numbers in the calculation
1 // 3 Floor division, the result is 0 in Python 3
2 % 3 Modulo (remainder), the result is 2
-1 Negation, the result is -1
    csp-3-3-1: What is the result of 3 / 4?
  • 0
  • If the two values are both integers (whole numbers) you will normally get an integer (whole number) result in older Python environments. But, this book is using Python 3 so you get a decimal result.
  • 1
  • This would be correct if the result was rounded up before the values after the decimal point were thrown away, but it does not do this.
  • 0.75
  • While this isn't the what older Pyton development environments would return, in this book we are using Python 3 so it returns a decimal result.
  • 0.25
  • This would be correct if it was 1 / 4, 1.0 / 4, or 1 / 4.0
    csp-3-3-2: What is the result of 18 % 5?
  • 0
  • This would be correct if it was 18 % 2, but what is the remainder of 18 divided by 5?
  • 1
  • This would be correct if it was 18 % 17, since 17 goes into 18 one time and the remainder is 18 - 17 = 1.
  • 2
  • What is the highest multiple of 5 that is less than or equal to 18? The remainder is 18 - that number.
  • 3
  • The reminder is 3 since 5 goes into 18 three times (15) and 18 - 15 = 3.
    csp-3-3-3: What is the result of 2 % 6?
  • 0
  • This would be correct if it was 6 % 2.
  • 1
  • This would be correct if it was some odd number divided by 2, but it is not.
  • 2
  • 6 goes into 2 zero times with 2 left over.
  • 6
  • If you have a smaller number divided by a larger number the remainder is always the smaller number.
Next Section - How Expressions are Evaluated